North Coast Services is a
provider of specialty waste
handling and recycling services
in New England.
Our goal is to provide our customer base with convenient, cost effective and customer friendly service experiences.
What is Specialty Waste?
Specialty waste includes, but is not limited to electronics waste, televisions, monitors, universal waste lamps, and batteries.
Get to Know North Coast Services
How it started
Founded in April 2011, our company brings an extensive knowledge of the waste and recycling industry, as well as industry connections that have fostered our initial growth. As a company, we strive to provide our customers with convenient, cost effective, and customer friendly service experiences.
How it's going
From our base of operations in Concord, NH, North Coast Services is uniquely positioned to provide cost-effective drop off, collection and materials management services throughout the Northeast, including Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York and Vermont. We provide collection and consolidation services through our 3 consolidation points, in Concord, NH, Bangor, ME, and Scarborough, ME.
The strategy
The North Coast Services sales and marketing strategy is based on a sales and support model unique to our industry. Our sales people directly service the accounts they sell. We believe this model ensures the highest level of customer service and maximizes our understanding of customer’s waste generation cycle and service needs
Our model
Our model includes the bundling of services that usually require multiple vendors or have traditionally been managed through a hazardous waste hauler at significantly higher rates. North Coast Services utilizes its extensive waste experience to help customers manage these specialty wastes at a significant reduction in cost. Our customer base includes municipal transfer stations, schools, higher education, health care, environmental service companies, light industrial and many other commercial entities.
Reducing our impact on the environment
All of our sites follow a Stewardship Management System. Which is intended to meet the requirements of the ISO 14001:2015 International Standard as defined by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), e-Stewards Standard for Ethical and Responsible Reuse, Recycling and Disposition of Electronic Equipment and Information Technology v.4.0 and NAID AAA Certification. The purpose of the certification is to reduce North Coast Services’ impact on the environment, worker health and safety, data security, and social responsibility as a result of its operations and activities.